This lesson will be shared as a video.
The lesson is based on the wonderful keras introduction by Walter de Back available here.
Check your Learning
The following questions serve as a help for learners to reflect on the content of the videos. Answer at least one question. At best you want to answer these questions as a team.
Question 1
A hidden layer of an artificial neural network consists a fixed set of parts. These are …
weights \(W\) and a bias term \(\vec{b}\)
weights \(W\) and a non-linear activation function \(F\)
a bias term \(\vec{b}\) and a non-linear activation function \(F\)
weights \(W\), a bias term \(\vec{b}\) and a non-linear activation function \(F\)
Question 2
Unlike scikit-learn, keras is a machine learning framework that …
offers one-stop-shop prepared networks that are already published
offers building blocks to construct neural networks on CPU or GPU architectures
offers an API to either wrap around backends (keras library) or represents the high-level API for tensorflow
all of the above